Jay Hewlett's personal Blog.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Steamy Florida

I'm back in the land of sweat! Florida, I like the laid back, kind of Southern atmosphere of the Floridian people. It's been a trip of bumps, bruises and laughs. I have good friends out here and they are always fun to hang with. Very creative friends at that. We have done a number of videos this outing posted at Damgecontrolonline. I did the AVID conference back in LA / SD and was saddened that one of my good friends is leaving the school. It will be a trying year without that cat. Another buddy and I will make a go of it and let her rip. I fly back to Florida to find out the St. Beach Coconuts club is going through turmoil. Seems like I got stabbed in the back by a comic who I thought was friend. The whole bru ha ha was really about management and current partnerships and had nothing to do with me, but I was dragged into it. Such is life,Cest La Vie except I lose $400 bucks and am shipped to a Holiday Inn in Gainesville. Re-wind I kill during a 10 min guest set at McCurdy's comedy club and a couple of the b-day girl waitresses love me! We go out with the owner after the show and have a few Brews. Next day I have a full on menieers episode (vertigo), sick as a dog, can't recover, vomiting and dizzy. The other comic loads me into the car. I just hold on for dear life. I make it up there, get sick three more times and just lay in the bed helpless and miserable. Thank God the other guy was there to get some fluids to me. I puked a half before the show and then felt some clarity in the ears and managed to pull my pants on. There were four comics that night + the MC so I just did 30 min. I held onto the mike for dear life and killed. Stumbled back to a chair and then down the hall got sick and went to bed. Slept 15 hours and felt human the next day. I had not eaten in 48 hours. Amazing! Had a killer set Saturday night, just rocked as I felt great and on fire. I'm back to normal, today Monday, August 15th, 2005. Rock on! Make em laugh and appreciate your health!!!


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